Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic specializes in Smoking Cessation Treatment using Laser Acupuncture which involves low level laser beams being used to stimulate acupuncture points. Laser is used both as a non-needle alternative and as a medium in its own right with its own distinct energizing characteristics, and is used for treating tobacco addition.

There is no pain, no drugs to take and no side effects. Laser therapy works on the same principle as acupuncture, but without needles. By stimulating certain trigger points in your body, signals are sent to your Nervous System that release chemicals into your muscles, spinal cord and brain. At the same time, they release other chemicals such as endorphins and encephalin plus hormones into your bloodstream. These influence your body’s internal regulating system and will help you to quit smoking once and for all. Success rate overall for laser smoking cessation treatment is 85-90%

Our Laser Smoking Cessation Treatments at Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic use acupuncture points on your body to release endorphins using low-level laser to simulate your body's endorphin levels and eliminates the need for nicotine fix and avoiding the symptoms commonly associated with nicotine withdraw. The low level laser technology we use in clinic has been used in counties for decades and is painless, safe and effective without the use of needles (as in traditional acupuncture)  and we offer additional pressure points for weight management at no extra charge to help avoid the effects of addiction withdrawal

Best results are achieved with the following treatment plan:

  • First treatment: you quit smoking that day.

  • Second treatment: typically 4 days after the first treatment to boost you through withdrawals.

  • Third treatment: typically 2 weeks after the first treatment to ensure you do not relapse or go back to smoking.

Some clients may need to wean down the amount they smoke per day, instead of quitting all at once. This is why there are three treatments minimum to ensure the best success.

Bronze Laser Quit Smoking Package  |  $330 plus applicable taxes (price adjusted January 1, 2025)

  • Initial Smoking Cessation Consultation - including 30 minute Goal Review and Health History

  • Laser Acupuncture Treatment to Quit Smoking

  • Additional Points for Weight Management

  • 2 More Treatments, Timed Out to Boost Success.

  • Billed per treatment to insurance providers

    • First appointment $130

    • Second & Third appointment each $100

  • Additional treatments available if needed; offered at the follow up price of $100 (great for upcoming vacations or stressful life events)

Silver Laser Quit Smoking Package  |  $550 plus applicable taxes (price adjusted January 1, 2025)

  • Initial Quit Smoking Consultation - including 30 minute Goal Review and Health History

  • Laser Acupuncture for Quit Smoking - Full Treatment

  • Additional Pressure Points for Weight Management

  • Unlimited booster treatments for up to 3 months (if needed)

    *Not eligible to be covered by insurance.

Should you schedule an appointment at Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic, we strongly recommend:    

  • Enjoy your last smoke a minimum of three (3) hours before your scheduled appointment

  • No nicotine replacements such as patches or gum for 48 hours prior to your appointment

  • Allow approximately 45-60 minutes for your first appointment, and 25-30 minutes for your follow-ups

Please note we require 24 hours notice to cancel appointments. Missed appointments will result in a charge of $30. This must be paid prior to re-booking.
As a small business, we rely on scheduled appointments to ensure that our practitioners are compensated for their time and expertise. When clients miss appointments without sufficient notice, it not only impacts our team but also means that valuable time slots go unfilled—opportunities that could have been offered to others. We kindly ask for understanding and cooperation in notifying us in advance if you are unable to attend your appointment, so that we can accommodate others who may be on the waitlist.

What is Nicotine + Why am I addicted?

Nicotine is usually a colorless or in some cases yellowish liquid. Small doses of nicotine are used as a stimulant, mostly in tobacco and pesticides, however, higher doses can be toxic and can interfere with the normal functioning of autonomic nerve and skeletal muscle cells.

Nicotine addiction is dependence on the drug nicotine, however, when we say nicotine addiction, we usually refer to the addiction to tobacco products that contain nicotine. Nicotine possesses mood-altering capabilities which give the user a temporary high. This high is extremely pleasing and makes the user want to use it more and more. Put simply, once you use it for long enough, you can’t stop using it. And those who try to quit, have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms which momentarily go away when they get the fix in the form of a nicotine dose.

Although, quitting is not easy, but it’s very much possible. Hundreds of thousands of smokers have done it and, if an addict, you can do it too. The good news according to Centre for Decease Control fact sheet is that today, there are more ex-smokers than current smokers.

Source: QuitSmokingCommunity.org

How Low Level Laser Therapy Works ... 

Low-level laser therapy utilizes principles similar to the ancient healing art of acupuncture – a technique of inserting and gently stimulating hair-thin needles into specific points of the body to trigger a natural healing response. Laser Intervention’s low-level lasers simulate a very similar response by emitting a fine-point cold laser into your skin which stimulates your body’s endorphin production system

Endorphins are natural chemicals in your body that signal your internal system to decrease stress and increase energy. These are the same chemicals inside your body that nicotine stimulates, and after smoking for a short period, also controls their reproduction.

Our laser therapy at Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic offers Nova Scotians, an easy and non-intrusive process with no known side-effects that allows your body to quickly restore its natural endorphin production. Laser Therapy utilizes a 100% safe, non-thermal, cold low-level laser to stimulate specific trigger points on your body that control the release of endorphins in your system. Over the course of a single hourly Laser Treatment Session, your body will restart natural reproduction of endorphins

This rebalancing of your body’s endorphin levels will allow it to remove nicotine from its system and help you to comfortably ride out the normal “nicotine withdrawal period” of three to five days.

Source: The Quit Smoking Handbook

Laser Smoking Cessation FAQ's

Is Laser Quit Smoking Treatment covered under Medical?    Yes. Low Level Laser Therapy is used to stimulate the acupuncture points on the body. The practitioner operating the laser is a Registered Acupuncturist; therefore, as long as the medical plan has acupuncture coverage, the cost can be billed. The only part that is guaranteed not be covered is the tax. The clinic is also able to do a predetermination for most insurance plans to see how much will be covered. Call or email us to book a free consultation, and we can check the plan.

Are Treatment Results Guaranteed?    Laser Acupuncture has positive results on up to 85-90% of smokers, However results vary by individual.

Does Laser Acupuncture (LLLT) hurt?   No, Laser Acupuncture is completely painless. No needles are used, and the application of the probes on the surface of the skin does not cause any pain. Sometimes patients report a vague tingling sensation.

Do Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) lasers burn?  No. There are two general types of medical lasers: heat generating lasers – which cut through tissue, and “Cold Lasers” (LLLT).

Is LLLT harmful?    No. LLLT doesn’t cause cellular damage. LLLT is non-invasive and it has no side effects.

Does Laser Acupuncture really work?      Yes. Laser Acupuncture is safe, effective and painless, with results that are often immediate and with no side effects. “Cold Laser” Therapy has been extensively researched in the last 50 years. Over 3000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the effectiveness and safety of LLLT in the healing of neuro-musculo-skeletal, dermatological and vascular conditions.

Is Laser Acupuncture safe during pregnancy?      Laser auricular acupuncture is not safe during pregnancy. Unfortunately the points are very close together and light can scatter. Acupuncture can be very effective for women looking to induce labor or turn the baby; however, can be dangerous if the points are stimulated before needed.

How long does the treatment take?     Treatment time is approximately 15-25 minutes per session, allow 1 hour for the first appointment with us.

How many treatments will I need?       The Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic uses a series of three treatment to help break the addiction. The first treatment is when the smoking would stop. The second treatment is booked around day 4 to boost through withdrawals. The third is booked around 2 weeks after the first one to ensure clients do not relapse or go back smoking.

Our Discount Partners

We have partnered with other leaders in there industries to help aid you in your quit smoking journey - including Medical Insurance Providers, Employers and Unions ...

BlueCross Blue Advantage Members - 10% off Laser Quit Smoking Treatments, Teeth Whitening + Packages for Members of Blue Cross

Nova Scotia Nurses Union Members  - 10% off Laser Quit Smoking Treatments, Teeth Whitening + Packages for Members of NSNU

Nova Scotia Teachers Union Members -  10% off Laser Quit Smoking Treatments, Teeth Whitening + Packages for Members of NSTU

Killiam Properties Perk Program -  10% off Laser Quit Smoking Treatments, Teeth Whitening + Packages for Tenants and Staff of Killiam Properties

Paramount / 444rent Perks Program - 10% off Laser Quit Smoking Treatments, Teeth Whitening + Packages for Tenants and Staff of 444rent / Paramount Properties


** Note:  Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon

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