Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic | Proudly Serving all of Nova Scotia
Please note that the Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic is a part of Inari Wellness.
Quit Smoking, We can help.
Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic specializes in Smoking Cessation Treatment using Laser Acupuncture which involves low level laser beams being used to stimulate acupuncture points. Laser is used both as a non-needle alternative and as a medium in its own right with its own distinct energizing characteristics, and is used for treating tobacco addiction.
There is no pain, no drugs to take and no side effects. Laser therapy works on the same principle as acupuncture, but without needles. By stimulating certain trigger points in your body, signals are sent to your Nervous System that release chemicals into your muscles, spinal cord and brain. At the same time, they release other chemicals such as endorphins and encephalin plus hormones into your bloodstream. These influence your body’s internal regulating system and will help you to quit smoking once and for all. Success rate overall for laser smoking cessation treatment is 85-90%
Our clinic is full service provider specializing in Laser Smoking Cessation, Smile360 Teeth Whitening Treatments and Post Treatment Aids including Vitamin C, E, B Complex and Magnesium to help your body recover from the effects of kicking the habit. We also stock Smile360 Teeth Whitening Pens + Activated Teeth Whitening Charcoal and Honeyrose Herbal Cigarettes to act as a complete resource for Nova Scotians looking to kick the habit of smoking and vaping.
WE’VE EXPANDED to offer additional laser acupuncture treatments - Imagine the Benefits of Auricular Acupuncture without the Needles - Experience the Ease, Freedom and non-invasive Convenience of Laser Acupuncture Treatments for Pain Management, Chronic Pain Treatment, Stress and Anxiety, Mental Health + Depression, Weight Loss, Appetite Control, Smoking Cessation, Quit Smoking Treatment and Alcohol + Drug Addiction sessions in our professional clinical setting at Tacoma Plaza in Dartmouth Nova Scotia with treatments provided by our licensed acupuncturists and our clinic offers a selection of treatment packages and payment options including Direct Billing to most major insurance companies
Laser Quit Smoking Treatment
You can Quit Smoking. We can Help.
Halifax Quit Smoking Clinic are full service specialists in Laser Smoking Cessation Treatments offering various individual treatment and package options
Were located at ...
82 Tacoma Drive, Unit 203, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2W 3E6
Above Shoppers Drug Mart
902.818.7848 (QUIT) | info@quitsmokinghalifax.com
Laser Acupuncture for Drug + Alcohol Addiction Experience the Ease, Freedom and non-invasive convenience of Laser A… https://t.co/negDzT4YCm
Our #LaserSmokingCessation program packages start at just $299 plus tax per person. Contact us today to build a smo… https://t.co/yQJeQYhbPa
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